Life doesn’t come with a manual, so it’s hard to know how to create a happy and healthy life. However, the pursuit of your ideal life is built on small and practical changes. Wellbeing doesn’t mean perfection, but pursuing a happy and healthy life is rooted in balance. Learn how to prioritize the actions and habits that can help you realize the lifestyle of your dreams.

Life’s Challenges

1. Connect With a Therapist to Care for Your Mental Health

The state of your mental health determines how you experience life. If you grew up in a toxic household, experienced abuse, or live with addiction, your mental health has likely been strained.

Research therapists in your area that offer the type of care you need. If you don’t know where to start, don’t let that deter you from searching for a qualified therapist. Search online databases that feature specialists and share a bit about their background.

Whether you’re looking for outpatient behavioral therapy or inpatient treatment for substance abuse, you can find a match. Try to be honest with yourself about the realities of your life and what type of care would benefit you. Realize that therapists have committed their careers to helping people and want to support you in becoming your best self.

2. Practice Mindfulness to Center Yourself and Manage Stress

Before the day gets away from you, carve out a few minutes for yourself. Enjoy the quiet morning and a glass of water and just sit in the silence. Practice deep belly breathing, or box breathing, to fill your body with oxygen.

Typically, we get so busy that we fail to breathe properly, resulting in shallow breaths that may exacerbate stressors. Try to think of nothing, focusing on your deep breathing exercise or a mantra that’s not too complicated.

Some options include, “I am here,” “I am loved,” or “I welcome the day.” Generally, these mantras can keep you focused on your practice, sweeping away, errant thoughts and to-do lists.

3. Make Daily Movement a Non-Negotiable

Regular physical activity is tied to more than just good health. People who maintain an active lifestyle report better mental health, lower stress, and overall happiness.

Strive to make daily movement and nonnegotiable in your schedule and let others know of this habit. By sharing your habits with those you live and work with, you can be more accountable to it. If you have a pet, pair their activity needs with yours and get outside for a walk.

Walking is one of the best low-impact, aerobic exercises you can do. Use your phone’s health app or a pedometer to track your steps, and choose a daily target to keep you motivated. Try to walk outside whenever possible as natural light, fresh air, and nature help reduce stress.

Finally, take breaks throughout your day to get up and move, especially if you have a sedentary job. By making daily movement part of your lifestyle, you can support your health and mental well-being.

4. Regulate Social Media and News Exposure

The world can be a scary place, but that doesn’t mean you have to immerse yourself in the headlines. Set daily limits for screen time, especially on your phone and social media apps. As research continues to discover the negative effects of social media, managing your time on them makes sense.

Pivot your attention to more productive activities and hobbies, instead of keeping up with the lives of others. By making this change, you can reduce the temptation of comparison and instead focus on what’s truly important to you.

5. Hack Your Way to Better Sleep

Getting good sleep has been heralded as the secret to solving many stress and health-related issues. However, getting quality sleep, and enough of it, is an elusive goal.

Audit your sleeping area and cleanse it of sleep-stealing distractions. Remove technology devices, blue light-emitting electronics, and visual chaos. By cleaning your room and cultivating a calm environment, you can set the stage for good sleep.

Next, assess your schedule and find out what sleeping and wake time is ideal. Adults should strive to get between seven and nine hours of sleep nightly, but your needs may differ. Prioritize getting complete REM cycles, which generally run 90 minutes at a time.

Commit to maintaining the same sleeping and wake times each day to regulate cortisol production and other essential hormones. If your sleep issues are more serious, work with your healthcare provider to do an at-home sleep study to pinpoint problems.

Achieve Wellbeing by Taking the First Step

Wellness is a journey, not a destination. No matter where you begin, your circumstances, and what life has brought you, you control your destiny. Start small with one thing that you can do with the time and mental space you have today.

Commit to making it a habit and soon, you’ll do it without thinking. Add new habits and actions as you master the one before it. With each mastery, you prioritize well-being and healthy balance in your life. These cumulative actions will get you closer to your ideal future as a happy, healthy human.