Bollywood actor Shekhar Suman met the late Sushant Singh Rajput family in Patna on Monday. He said that gangs dominate more than nepotism in Bollywood.
Gangs have now replaced the mafia and the underworld. Questioning Sushant’s suicide, he said that Sushant would have left writing a note if this was so. He once said that if films were not found, he would make his films.
Shekhar Suman visited Sushant Singh Rajput’s father on Monday at his Rajivnagar residence in Patna but could not meet due to his ill health. Sushant’s sister and other relatives met Shekhar Suman. There he expressed his condolences and paid tribute to Sushant.
It may be noted that on June 14, Sushant was found dead in his flat in Mumbai. Police have described it as a case of suicide. The family, including the father and many others,, have demanded a CBI inquiry into the incident.
Shekhar Suman said that Sushant was calm. Referring to him, he said that Sushant knew these dreams and what he had to do to fulfill them. Referring to nepotism, he said that wrong could have happened to Sushant, but not getting films and being a victim of nepotism could not be the reason for Sushant’s death.
Sushant once said that if films are not available, he will make his films; if he does not, he will work on YouTube. He was an educated man; if he had done suicide, then he would have left writing a note.